Saturday, September 6, 2008

Poured Foundation

They have gone back to London to reestablish good relations with the lord.

It has been concluded that they would be allowed to pass without combat.

After the quelling of some fractious unrest outside, the talks were resumed.

At six o'clock that evening, Mark Twain emerged with a schema of heaven.

For fear that a protester might snatch it from him all were water cannoned.

A star is a star and proves it under pressure, especially a dead star returned.

As he bent to enter the limousine a single shot rent the momentary silence.

The throng flew into mass hysteria and fell upon him crushing each other.

He admitted later being a perfect fool for wearing white even in that heat.

The shooter was never identified but the gun was under a pile of the dead.

Reviews of the conference were poor, critics dismissing it as too rehearsed.

A fiend is a fiend and right will out, though the vile crime go unpunished.

Mark Twain penned those words in an op-ed upon his return to the grave.

He’s since published sporadically, but the importance of the work is spotty.

What happened to the alleged blueprints for paradise was never confirmed.

London measured a downturn in tourism which has since corrected itself.

Huckleberry Finn is translated into three trillion new languages every day.

Scheduled for mass publication next is Huck and Tom Among the Indians.