Sunday, September 14, 2008

Eddie Murphy Complains to ATT About the Multiple Charges

I can elongate my bite mark till it looks
like you were bitten by every rabid citizen

another amazement I can pack in
seventeen seconds and order
all the shirts by the first name
of the last person to smile at each

you might not know I’m a vet
(not that kind, the all creatures the same kind)
four tours in the theater sorting out that tropic
resort rate fixing situation contracted
an inoperable switch in my pump

then the dispersal of accidents
we missed our own mockcentennial
the fireworks were awestruck by lightning
by the turnout of cars made of kangaroo parts

but I do remember you vaguely catlike
coming down the stairs in a state of tenderloin
the dew still cool on your latches

but my hair was never wavy like that
just a glance then a turn back into the cavern

chloroform is my favorite form of mint
like my plaster errol flint with fist and black spot?
don’t be a dope it’s the cyclops in brick

this being is from another degradation sphere
we can foley the moans in after the autopsy

talk about yourself for a minute I’m absorbing
primates on unicycles into my modular gait

the pecan cuts a swath through a wall
of human caution signs dumb games
involving funny bakery explosion plots

I was using a lot of burgundy then
engaged in a constant scrimmage
the psychology of the departed
how some need to chug a coriolanus

the cop does part time coachwork
the siren lures men into her car
both are the elements of an alloy
copious as an epic gesture to retreat
my geriatric city awaits to the south
I have small pleasures like daniel
when he whined the lions got branded
in one manpower out the other cowpuncher

bitter or bitten by the hand you’ve bent and laid?

here comes that favorite TV syllogism
if fred is the fallguy witness to the atrocity
and barney the courier who saw his death
then the conclusion bowie has sucked
since that pierrot on the beach

and it follows you should never marry
anyone bushy go with the strictly abstruse

an obstetrician has appeared in these pages
in a flophouse with overlapping monarchs
an intrusion about as useful as wolf bane against flu
in a wolf her name was tracy or butch or moreau
the total absence of a civilizing influence

soon my ascension will complete itself in horseflesh
the tragedy of newfoundland they’ll say
and I will be there to arbitrate like nobody
was in that private ryan mess or shiloh

blink and the camera becomes a combat salesman

semi-trucks tickle my external ribs sally and ayn rand too
how an amethyst can make you too tipsy to dance
the product of some g-force misshapening

ignore all but the inaudible compression
I’ve been listening to saturnalia wanting to jump
onto an axis that trooper tied a pound of bait
a sign “swarm” another “menace” and “versed”

a technology I can no longer invent a machine to rust
my soliloquy under my aqueduct roof
a canopy of a certain hue billing the cult for urinal use
canopies come a dime to the yellow billion

which of these things is just like all the others
implacability integrity inequality identity
dingleberry mutual consent a bobble attractor
eel posed by metallic child

I occupy the entire hydrosphere at once
anytime I want to I can attain

who do you know ever imprisoned in a gristmill
mangling english impervious to the radio
piped through his carbon wingbones in disuse
this is taking inarticulate to the root level
much as a resident of the flood can near largesse

we are not a fundamentally practical team
like I can like the word avaricious
without knowing what it means
a mad saudi my hidden pouch conceals

benny was a brilliant comedian
benny was a burlesque buffoon
benny was something we took
at recess to get through the end
the walling over of the fields
where the strawberries flowed
like water rolling a paper chase I suffer
in any approximate house

the hollyhocks of augustus
hanging alongside my hobble skirt

the windsurfing here is good
the arsenal in my fur locker ready
and the ides of Marsha
“Two Gums” Brady with her nails
one irregular freckle from the button

I’m running for celestial council
I deign to throw my hat
in the ring in this poem I just won

do you then assess the asses on wilshire
or their small internal furs?
gaze at the inevitable innies?
nothing unfuckingbelievable
we’re about to learn how
to unfuck an installment plan

benny any was strung out on his own
benzedrine in a quarter century reservoir
ovaltine enough for the troubles

my britches enflame when I think of you and who
put the ding in my hardly