Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tied Securely in the Basement of This Hildegard

there once was a limerick without a hand in its pants
it took several very strong women to lift it
I went home and looked for more
remembered there hadn’t been an answer to my ad

but someone had been there
the noise was still resonating in the pantry
I said who threw the maraschino cherries across the room?
nothing but a barely audible other than you and your fear?

that little bridge would take a lot of air to inflate
we could give it to another country we could call it a city elect a mayor
and after that it would be his problem
but we’d face the same situation again in the august primary faults

I collect plastered doves also
does anyone have an alien relic of something dovelike?
I’ve been looking for the last few thousand days
haven’t gotten as far as the plumbing school across the parking lot

maybe if you stopped following everything you say
and told him his picture took a long time to look like a father
what if you thought of more food?
might make a good show on the stage at Horst Buchholz Memorial Gardens

I’d heard that sometimes something made of water could become made of land
but it seemed to be below my bland level to write
should it have been me rather than the city to answer?
with your shoulder on my tear stained paper

the echo in the fridge said I’d make a wonderful father
as long as I stayed white and never said something penetrating on the air
I could dig a well and tell it what time to dry up once we establish the need
but when that might be will determine the whole father thing should it happen

before there was a science specific to this letter there was only the chance
for a man to know himself as well as he knew his days off
man alive those teeth are spectacular!
I can see it now in a picture in my mind with a very white candle

now I know we will be together always and that we will lose our speech
because being with you has been like a gift sent from the other side of the science
this one with the illustrations and the clarity about the bomb
and that quote today is more than it means if you view it without the light on

now the land in the rhyme has gone fallow and that’s good
you can only get out of something what it does not want to be gotten out of
I tell you this only to keep us moving along and to say that a new and better end
is about two feet behind you

then they all read the funnies and were several hundred miles from fucking
I think that means we’re there
at least I thought so until the thing ended with the women in cuffs
I could have ended almost as naked with almost as little lost