Saturday, April 16, 2011
Body and Highlights
they say he said he was canada’s
angel of death when I saw him
he was wearing black boots and coat
and he had a retarded haircut
the mayor was here she said
in the wake of these tragic events
we will never again be able to take
a retarded haircut for granted
I was sitting in study hall doing
my hair when he came in
the eyes were just empty and he
kept walking shooting almost as if
his haircut were retarded
our teacher ran in then went
out again then came back in
and said there was something
retarded about his haircut
we all started running from
the sound of gunfire and
the retarded way his hair
had been cut and the screaming
there was blood everywhere
you looked and my friend
got shot and I had to drag her
to the salon I heard they found
his web site full of pictures
of guns and knives and
retarded hair and death threats
to the people he thought had
given him a retarded haircut
and when it was over somebody
was dead and probably more
will die in intensive care
and the guy got shot by cops
I caught it on my cell cam but
there was all this blood so you
could only see a little part of
a retarded haircut and they were all
wearing these hats