Thursday, February 19, 2009

Returned Unopened For Refund

The man on the square with the tongue in his hand was versed in speech.

He said, “Hear bombers overhead, you sons of panic! Hear dumb noise
as a deafening threat to farming. Hear yourself not caring. Do nothing
but stand and yowl at your shadow until you hear from me!”

The cleaning crew came through and shoveled the crowns and scepters
into receptacles shaped like the testicles of partially paralyzed bowlers.

It was dismally gay and festive.

“Get your coat cleaned and burned, Lojack.” And he did and looked resplendent.
Indeed, the snake that bit him, as an example, ended up swearing off red meat.

a) The son fixed upon a point
b) The wrong body for the job
c) A man named Margaret convinced them
d) The scales were leaned on with intent

That quiz you just took was a joke.
He did not intend you to act in any particular way.
And so you acted in that way.
Having slain the duration of your day.

A mold of a hand is created every time a hand is raised above cruising altitude.
A fancy way of saying your special order vagina just came in.